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Project O19/13946847

Comparative Procedural Law and Justice

Part VI - Structure of Civil Litigation

Chapter 0

Introduction to Part VI

Kangnikoeé Bado Janek T Nowak Linda S Mullenix Enrique Vallines García Stefan Huber Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro Mendes Aleš Galič Anna Nylund
Date of publication: July 2024
Editors: Burkhard Hess Margaret Woo Loïc Cadiet Séverine Menétrey Enrique Vallines García
Cite as: K Bado, J Nowak, L Mullenix, E Vallines García, S Huber, A de Castro Mendes, A Galič, and A Nylund, 'Introduction to Part VI' in B Hess, M Woo, L Cadiet, S Menétrey, and E Vallines García (eds), Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (Part VI Chapter 0), cplj.org/a/6-0, accessed 19 February 2025, para
Short citation: Bado et al, CPLJ VI 0, para

1        Objective and Methodology

  1. The idea of this part of the compendium on Civil Procedure and Justice is to identify new developments concerning the pivotal elements of the structure of civil litigation, to analyse whether there exist overarching models that are adopted by different national systems, and to find out where elements of local legal culture are determinant factors. The focus of the analysis therefore lies on the central characteristics of the structure of civil proceedings and not on the description of details.
  2. Certainly, one procedural system might adopt different models for different elements of the proceedings. This means that there is probably not one model A and one model B for the entire structure of civil litigation; it is rather to be expected that there are different models for different elements of the structure.
  3. This comparative analysis will consider written rules, case law, the behaviour of the parties, their representatives, judges and other persons, such as third parties, in the context of civil proceedings, statistics, and the attitude to litigation within society as well as the reputation of judges and solicitors. Practice might differ from law in the books (see part 1 of this compendium on ‘Comparative Studies’).[1]
  4. The analysis is based on an open-minded starting point: the traditional common law – civil law divide approach does not serve as a basis; legal families are not considered to be the starting point either.[2]

2        Analysis of Uncomplex Lawsuits in Ordinary Matters

  1. The analysis will be limited to uncomplex lawsuits in ordinary matters. This scope of the analysis is defined by the negative: Our analysis will not include collective litigation (for collective litigation, see part 10 of this compendium), it will not cover special subject matters, eg, family matters[3] (for special subject matters, see part 12 of this compendium), and it will not deal with special forms of procedure which are not related to special subject matters, such as payment order procedures or small claims procedures (for such special forms of procedures, see part 11 of this compendium).
  2. As in each national system there is one set of procedural rules designed for private law cases which at least comprise ordinary cases, a common basis for the comparative analysis of the structure of civil litigation is guaranteed.
  3. In this context, it might nevertheless be interesting to discuss the differences between a transsubstantive approach in comparison to an approach which is based on a system with different types of procedure for different subject matters (family matters, labour law cases, intellectual property law cases, administrative law cases, etc) and to analyse whether these differences have an impact on the structure of civil litigation in uncomplex lawsuits in ordinary matters.

3        The Influence of Purposes of Civil Procedure on the Structure of Civil                 Proceedings

  1. The purposes of civil procedure might influence the structure of civil proceedings. There can indeed be identified different approaches to the question what the purposes of civil procedure are.
  2. One approach concentrates on a particular dispute and puts an emphasis on the idea of enforcing individual rights within just, speedy (and inexpensive?) proceedings. This means that civil proceedings are understood as an ancillary element to substantive rights. Still concentrating on a particular dispute, the focus could also be put on the idea of resolving the dispute. In accordance with such an understanding, court driven techniques of amicable dispute resolution might gain importance.
  3. Another (additional) approach puts an emphasis on the public interest of the whole society and considers private law enforcement and deterrence understood in a broad sense as purposes of civil proceedings. In some regions of the world, eg, in Europe, we might observe a certain change of the traditional attitude, which might also lead to new elements within the structure of civil litigation. In this sense, jurisdiction aimed at assessing and establishing the constitutionality of norms or legal interpretation based on concentrated actions or incidents, through binding precedents or erga omnes effects, can also be cited as an example (for instruments of collective litigation, see part 10 of this compendium).
  4. In addition, the structure of civil litigation might be highly influenced by the existence of a proportionality concept. The legitimacy and the need of such a concept are even discussed in legal systems where such a concept is traditionally unknown. Procedural elements that create high costs, such as disclosure and discovery, might urge the legislators or courts to consider aspects of proportionality and the idea of abuse of process (for these questions in the context of disclosure and discovery, see part 7 of this compendium on ‘Access to Information. Evidence’). It is, however, not a simple task to introduce the idea of proportionality without creating the risk of a denial of justice (for this fundamental question, see part 3 of this compendium, which deals with the key idea of access to justice).
  5. Finally, the purposes of civil procedure are closely connected with the fundamental principles and rights of civil procedure, eg, the right to be heard. In this segment, the analysis will focus on such procedural rights and principles which influence the structure of civil litigation. For a general in-depth analysis of procedural rights and principles, it is referred to part 5 of this compendium.

4        Structure and Terminology

  1. The foregoing leads to the following structure of this part 7 of the compendium: The fundamental rights and principles which might have an influence on the structure of civil proceedings will form the topic of the first chapter. In a second chapter, an analysis of the chronological order and the nature of the different elements of civil proceedings will follow. The third chapter will deal with the role of the judge, in particular with regard to early dispute resolution, case management, and settlement. The responsibilities of the parties and their representatives for are the subject of the fourth chapter. In a final fifth chapter, the conclusions of the different chapters will be put together to identify certain models of structure of civil proceedings.
  2. Such a comparative analysis is confronted with linguistic challenges. In different regions of the world, English words may have different meanings. Sometimes, a transnational ‘English’ terminology has emerged, which does not correspond to the traditional terminology in English speaking countries. One example is the word ‘trial’, which is used with different meanings (sometimes, in a transnational context, it is used as a synonym for ‘hearing’). Another example are expressions like ‘principle of orality’ or ‘principle of immediacy’, which do, for example, not exist in the traditional English terminology of the US.[4] The non-existence of certain terms does, however, not necessarily mean that the idea behind the words does not exist. The analysis will therefore try to use a neutral terminology and describe the content of the fundamental principles without sticking to national or regional buzzwords. Certainly, this is sometimes difficult because English terminology has evolved against the background of the procedural systems in the Common law countries, but on a transnational level, we can also observe the emergence of a new form of transnational English terminology of civil procedure (for more details about these questions, see part 1 of this compendium ‘Comparative Studies’).

Abbreviations and Acronyms        

Abbreviations which are not contained in this list are based on the Cardiff index of legal abbreviations. 


African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights


Alternative dispute resolution


American Law Institute




Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice) [Germany]


Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Inter-American Development Bank)


Conseil de l'Europe Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice (Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice)


confer (compare)




Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Interamerican Court of Human Rights)


Court of Justice of the European Union


Civil Procedure Act


European Bank for Reconstruction and Development






et cetera


European Court of Human Rights


European Case Law Identifier


exempli gratia (for example)


European Law Institute


European Union






footnote (external, ie, in other chapters or in citations)


Federal Rules of Civil Procedure




ibidem (in the same place)


Information and Communication Technologies


id est (that is)


Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal (Iberoamerican Institute of Procedural Law)


Judicial Code


Japanese Yen


Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil


footnote (internal, ie, within the same chapter)










Supreme Court Canada


small and medium-sized enterprise




translated, translation/translator


United Kingdom


Institut international pour l'unification du droit privé (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law)


University Press


United States of America


United States Dollar






World Bank


Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement



African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights 1981

Agreement on the European Economic Area, OJ No L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 3 (EU)

American Convention on Human Rights 1969

Arab Charter on Human Rights 2004

Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, OJ L 339, 21.12.2007, p. 3-41 (EU)

Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commerical Matters 1965 (HCCH)

Council Directive on unfair contract terms in consumer contracts, 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 (EU)

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 2000

European Convention on Human Rights 1950

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings (“Strategic lawsuits against public participation”), COM(2022) 177 final (EU)

Regulation establishing a European Small Claims Procedure, 861/2007 of 11 July 2007 (EU)

Regulation on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of civil or commercial matters, 2020/1783 of 25 November 2020 (EU)

Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (recast), 1215/2012 of 12 December 2012 (EU)

Statute of the Arab Court of Human Rights 2014

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948


Act on the Expediting of Trials 2003 (Japan)

Act on Land and Building Leases 1991 (Japan)

Belgian Judicial Code (see Gerechtelijk Wetboek)

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Dutch Civil Code (the Netherlands)

Civil Provisional Remedies Act 1989 (Japan)

Code de l’organisation judiciaire (French Courts Constitution Act) (France)

Code de procédure civile (Code of Civil Procedure) (France)

Code of Judicial Procedure (Finland)

Código Civil Español (Spanish Civil Code) (Spain)

Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro 2015 (Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure) (Brazil)

Constitución Española 1978 (The Spanish Constitution) (Spain)

Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil) (Brazil)

De Belgische Grondwet, La Constitution Belge (The Belgian Constitution) (Belgium)

Decrét n° 75-1123 du 5 deciembre 1975 instituant un nouveau code de procédure civile 1975 (Decree establishing a new code of civil procedure) (France)

Decrét n° 2010-1165 du 1er octobre 2010 relatif á la conciliation et á la procedure orale en matière civile, commerciale et sociale 2010 (Decree dealing with conciliation and oral proceedings in civil, commercial and social matters) (France)

Dutch Code of Civil Procedure (Netherlands)

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (USA)

Gerechtelijk Wetboek, Code Judiciaire (Belgian Judicial Code) (Belgium)

Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz (Courts Constitution Act) (Germany)

Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany) (Germany)

Iran’s Code of Civil Procedure (Iran)

Japanese Code of Civil Procedure 1996 (Japan)

Kongeriket Norges Grunnlov (The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway) (Norway)

Ley de Asistencia Jurídica Gratuita 1996 (Free Legal Aid Act) (Spain)

Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil 2000 (Spanish Code of Civil Procedure) (Spain)

Ley de Patentes 2015 (Law on Patents) (Spain)

Ley de Secretos Empresariales 2019 (Law on Trade Secrets) (Spain)

Ley de Seguridad Privada 2014 (Law on Private Security) (Spain)

Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial (Organic Law on the Judiciary) (Spain)

Ley reguladora del uso de las tecnologias de la información y la comunicación en la Administración de Justicia 2011 (Law regulating the use of information and communication technologies in the Administration of Justice) (Spain)

Loi n° 2007-1787 du 20 décembre 2007 relative á la simplification du droit (1) 2007 (Law relating to the simplification of law) (France)

Loi n° 2020-002 du 7 janvier 2020 portant modification de la loi n° 2018-028 du 10 decembre 2018 instituant les juridictions commerciales en republique togolaise 2020 (Law on amending the law on instituting commercial restrictions) (Togo)

Lov om mekling og rettergang I sivile tvister (tvisteloven) 2005 (Act relating to the mediation and procedure in civil disputes (The Dispute Act)) (Norway)

Lov om rettsgebyr (rettsgebyrloven) 1982 (Court Fees Act) (Norway)

Northern Territory of Australia Supreme Court Rules 1987 (Australia)

Patent Act 1959 (Japan)

Personal Status Litigation Act 2003 (Japan)

Real Decreto por el que aprueba el Reglamento de Seguridad Privada 1994 (Law which approves the regulation of private security) (Spain)

Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (Germany – RVG – Law on the lawyers’ fees)

Rules of Court 2021 (Singapore)

Slovenian Civil Procedure Act 1999 (Slovenia)

The Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Judicial Matters 2009 (Slovenia)

The Civil Procedure Act (Serbia)

The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (England)

The Constitution of Afghanistan 2004 (Afghanistan)

The Constitution of Japan (Japan)

The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (Nigeria)

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran 1979 (Iran)

The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Netherlands)

The Constitution of the Republic of Ghana 1992 (Ghana)

The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia)

The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam)

The Constitution of the United States of America (USA)

The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure 1942 (Sweden)

Togo Code de procédure civile 2021 (Code of Civil Procedure) (Togo)

Unfair Competition Prevention Act 1993 (Japan)

United States Code (USA)

Zivilprozessordnung (Austrian Code of Civil Procedure) (Austria)

Zivilprozessordnung (German Code of Civil Procedure) (Germany)

Zivilprozessordnung (Swiss Code of Civil Procedure) (Switzerland)

Model Rules and Guides

Compendium of “best practices” on time management of judicial proceedings 2006 (CEPEJ)

CEPEJ(2018)20R EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF JUSTICE (CEPEJ) REVISED SATURN GUIDELINES FOR JUDICIAL TIME MANAGEMENT (3rd revision) as adopted at the 31th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ Strasbourg, 3 and 4 December 2018.

CEPEJ(2006)13 EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF JUSTICE (CEPEJ) Compendium of ‘best practices’ on time management of judicial proceedings (https://rm.coe.int/16807473ab).

Effective Management of Arbitration – A Guide for In-House Counsel and Other Party Representatives (ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR)

Guía para la celebración de actuaciones judiciales con medios telemáticos (Guide for conducting telematic judicial proceedings) (Spain)

Managing Arbitrations and Procedural Orders 2015 (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)

Model European Rules of Civil Procedure 2020 (ELI/UNIDROIT)

Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings 2016 (UNCITRAL)

Practice Direction 32 - Evidence (England)

Practice Direction HC97 Written Submissions and Issue Papers 2020 (Ireland)

Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure 2005 (ALI/UNIDROIT)

Report on Techniques for Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration (ICC Arbitration Commission)

Revised Saturn Guidelines for Judicial Time Management 2018 (CEPEJ)



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Hadmor Productions Ltd v Hamilton (House of Lords, UK), [1983] 1 AC 191

Chambers v. NASCO, Inc (Supreme Court, United States), Judgment 6 June 1991 [501 U.S. 32 (1991)].

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (Supreme Court, United States), Judgment 12 June 1992 [504 U.S. 555 (1992)].

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[1] P Gilles, Prozessrechtsvergleichung / Comparative Procedure Law, (Gieseking 1996); P Gottwald, ‘Comparative civil procedure’ Ritsumeikan Law Review 2005 (22), 23–35 (available at http:// www.asianlii.org/jp/journals/RitsLRev/2005/2.pdf); S Huber, ‘Prozessrechtsvergleichung heute’ in B Hess (ed), Europäisches Insolvenzrecht – Grundsätzliche Fragen der Prozessrechtsvergleichung (Gieseking 2019) 77–109; A Gonçalves de Castro Mendes, ‘O Direito Processual Comparado no Mundo Contemporâneo’ Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual 2020 (21), 1–19 (available at https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/redp/article/view/50768/33403); A Gonçalves de Castro Mendes / C Paes de Castro, ‘Direito Processual Comparado, Teoria Geral do Processo e Precedentes’ Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual 2022 (23), 49–76 (available at https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/redp/article/ view/67776/42396).

[2] N Bersier et al, Common Law – Civil Law. The Great Divide? (Springer 2022); S Huber, ‘Prozessrechtsvergleichung heute’ in B Hess (ed), Europäisches Insolvenzrecht – Grundsätzliche Fragen der Prozessrechtsvergleichung (Gieseking 2019) 77–109; J H Merryman and R Pérez-Perdomo, The Civil Law Tradition. An Introduction to the Legal Systems of Europe and Latin America, (Stanford University Press 2018); J Walker and O Chase, Common Law, Civil Law and the Future Categories (Lexis Nexis 2010).

[3] In those systems where special proceedings and even special courts have been established for special subject matters, parties cannot choose between the special proceedings and the ordinary proceedings.

[4] This terminology is however used in many current official documents of English institutions.

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